Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jack and Code

entropy dysphagia interrogation room royalty
lavatory smash; intelligence brash
Hellkites have nothing on me.

What I want is love, and a little bit of paper to write my thoughts on.
I want that paper to be multifaceted, have secret pockets, be able to change the world around me in subtle ways.

Whirligig famish bramble-bottomed skylarks and another day has gone by.
The warthogs keep the dogs at bay... sometimes.
When elephants get angry, do they stop to consider the walrus? No, because they're not being imaginative enough, and they're not forgetting what they will never.

Anisotropic filter and a tall glass of jack and code.
I'll jack with your code if you let me. I'll let you look at my code if you want.

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