Saturday, June 9, 2018


I've been dreaming a lot more than usual, lately, and it's great, and has been bringing up thoughts about what do dreams mean, how shall we interpret them?

Dreams are strange, psychology is complex. Dreams don't inherently mean anything, other than you're processing through things that have psychological import, I feel. But their meanings are worth exploring. What are the symbols in them, and what is the symbolic action or journey that's taking place? What are the myriad interpretations -- where is the bulk of the force vector of them headed? What does it say that you need to pay attention to in your waking life?

For me, I feel like the negative aspects of them are largely pointed toward my feelings of inability to speak, communicate, or keep up a meaningful conversation in real life (my phasis game is weak, I feel, except in certain corner pockets of obsession).
On the opposite side of the same coin (which I've been feeling more lately), the positive aspects largely point towards my hope that I can overcome -- I had a dream that I was simultaneously talking to three people I care about, in three different languages, explaining my speech block, apologizing for it, yet at the same time feeling like I'd never have to worry about it ever again, because I had so much positive phatic and meaningful energy, and everything was clicking just right. Polyphonic Bob was understood by all three, with all the nuances, in all three languages. Magic occurred.

So, reality is somewhere in the middle. I'll probably still struggle outside of dream-land, but I want to take the memory of this energy, and focus it towards improvement. 'Cuz bosh garnit, I care about people, and it's a good way to show it!