Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Bob-Can-Do-It-All Show

Some of my coworkers have had discussions of a show, where I'm just filling in for different professions. In one, I'm a dentist. Another, I'm a car mechanic.

I'm thinking I'm a bit like Dr. Nick, and everything I do will fall apart. Cleaned your teeth? They're falling out now. Changed your car's oil? It falls off its axles, the wheels fall off, start to roll away on fire, the engine explodes, and a bird craps on the windshield.

You get the picture. So, I've finally decided on a small segment I can record, in which I am a wizard, performing a simple object-permanence magic trick. Debating whether to spoil it further here, or just go and do it when I get home.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

flower words

Pansies as a symbol for "thought" is a fairly direct word-relation to the French pensées (thoughts).

I had thought of sunflower ("himawari", 向日葵) as day ("hi", 日) turning ("mawari", 回り), but it's not exactly that, though I feel it is closely related. (回 vs 向).
This page has a much better (bilingual!) explanation than I can muster.

"Hana kotoba" (花言葉) literally meaning "flower words" or "flower language" has some pretty old roots, and I'd not be surprised if the basic concept came from ancient times. I think it's a pretty neat means to construct meaning!